(Article originally published in 2013) We recently were able to grab an interview with Trent Custers, the Founder, Creative Director, and Game Designer of League of Geeks, a studio designing an upcoming indie title called "Armello", which features an anthropomorphic cast of characters. Check out what he had to say about the work so far on the game, and some special details about the story, characters, and furry influences.

Armello is a swashbuckling adventure that combines RPG elements with the strategic play of card and board games, creating a personal, story-fuelled experience.

You play as a 'Hero' from one of the four animal clans: Rat, Rabbit, Bear or Wolf. Players navigate their fully animated 3D character across the board (procedurally generated from 3D hex tiles) as they quest, scheme, explore, vanquish monsters, perform the Mad King's royal edicts, and face off against other players, with one ultimate end goal in mind—storming the palace and becoming King or Queen of Armello.

Armello is League of Geeks’ attempt to revolutionise digital board and card games, whilst providing players a rich world within which they can craft their very own stories of epic adventure.

Recently, I pointed our viewers to an in-production game titled (un)Lucky7. The game is a "horror, sci-fi themed, jRPG-view, story-driven, pixelart puzzle game" that is now running active campaigns on IndieGoGo and Steam Greenlight.

Blaze Sanecki, one of the men behind the Indie game studio Asylum Creatures, who is creating the game, gratefully answered a few questions we had about the upcoming furry-themed title.

(Originally posted in 2013) Acharky got a chance to sit down with CEO and Founder of Minicore Studios John E. Warren. Minicore is currently working on Laika Believes: The Sun at Night the first installment of a three part series of 2D action games being made for PC, Linux, and Mac OS.